Our Animals
An introduction to all our animals at Courtlands Farm.

Our largest stock of animals is by far our flock of Suffolk and mule sheep. We have around 350 breeding ewes plus the lambs we keep till they are fat enough for market throughout the year. Also 9 lucky rams to father next years offspring
They graze various areas of the farm throughout the year. Then they come inside our sheds to lamb in winter till early spring.

We currently have two breeding Sows and a boar. Each Sow produces two litters of piglets a year which we fatten and have made into the most delicious sausages. Unlike a lot of pigs, ours are raised outside under various nut trees and fed on a mix of barley that grow on the farm and whey that is the by-product from a local cheese factory.
You can see and taste they are happy animals.

We have two Geese that roam the farm, Amelia is the grey boy, and Gordon is the white girl.
I know confusing but its hard to tell when they're fluffy goslings.
In spring they can get a bit agressive but can soon be moved on if bothering anybody.

I think every farm needs some chickens scratching around with a happy free range life, they lay the best flavour eggs.

Around 5 years ago we were given a tray of quail eggs, I think the children enjoy them more than the chickens, handling them and collecting their pretty little eggs. Although they don't lead an outdoor life, they have a large safe shed with lots of ventilation.

These are our three dedicated, hardworking and loving farm dogs. Our eldest pup is a border collie who is nearing retirement. Our middle pup is a friendly patterdale terrier who loves ratting. Our youngest pup is a border collie, who is in training to become just as hardworking as the others.